That spot on Mykonos Island offered a tranquil view of the Aegean Sea, with a distant island silhouetted against the horizon, creating a sense of depth and perspective. The partially visible submerged rock in the foreground suggests a dynamic coastline, where the land meets the sea in a constant interplay of erosion.
The light at sunset was soft and diffused, transitioning from warm tones near the horizon to cooler blues in the foreground. The already-set sun cast a gentle glow across the sky and sea, creating a gradient of subtle hues. The long exposure blurred the waves and emphasised the stillness of the moment. The ambient light, filtering through the atmosphere, revealed the textures of the submerged rocks, highlighting their weathered surfaces and the patches of green algae clinging to their sides.
The image was captured using a Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8 tilt-shift lens that allows for precise control over perspective and focus. The narrow aperture of f/16 ensured good depth of field, keeping both the foreground rocks and the distant horizon in sharp focus. The exceptionally long 312-second exposure transformed the movement of the water into a smooth, ethereal blur, creating a sense of stillness and tranquility.