Santorini Deposit Payment
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Please allow time for the page to refresh upon clicking Log Me In.
Thank you very much for booking the Santorini photo tour with us. Please see below for the simple procedure to follow:

• Choose the currency you wish to pay with: £500 GBP or €600 EUR or $700 USD
• Wait for the page to refresh
• Make sure all form fields are correct
• Add your debit/credit card details in the box
• Click Submit Form and wait for a few seconds until payment is processed and approved
• Upon payment completion, you will receive a booking confirmation email. Please make sure our email does not end up in your spam folder. If you do not receive our email, please check with us if the payment has gone through

Checkout Options
£500 GBP deposit for the Santorini photo tour
Create Profile
password strength indicator
Additional Info

Billing Method
Billing Address
Checkout Now
1) Choose the currency you wish to pay with and allow the page to refresh.
2) Make sure your full name is the username i.e. John Smith
3) Make sure you use a strong password